Friday, October 28, 2011

9-9-9 PLAN or 9-1-1 PLAN?

For the last two years, the United States’ Gov’t has been pregnant with multiple promises, but none birth so far, mainly for two reasons. One, the promises were actually lies to begin with, and or two there are individuals standing in the way of those promises coming to fruition. I guess the saddest part about the stand being taken to put our economy back on track, is it comes at the cost of millions of Americans who either worked or are working hard every single day to make ends meet for their families.
Americans want a simple, understandable, and cheap way to get out of the state of emergency we are currently in, so when Herman Cain comes along explaining in the simplest form his "9-9-9 Plan," it doesn’t take long for many to jump on the band wagon. We hear words like “flat tax”, “same tax for everyone”, “scrapping the current taxes”….etc, and those words make the uninformed excited!
What we do not hear is the replacement of 9 percent taxes across the board will hit low- and middle-income families the hardest. Households making between $10,000 and $20,000 will see their taxes increase by nearly 950 percent and those that are already wealthy, (households with the highest incomes), however, would get big tax cuts. Those making more than $1 million a year would see their taxes cut nearly in half, on average.http://2011/10/18/999-plan-herman-cain_n_1018462.html
It is not a coincident that the wealthy and huge corporations are not being taxed as much as they should, and it is also not a coincident that politicians running for Presidency will always find away to gloss over that fact with these make shift promises that the “current” tax structure will change. That is of course if they are elected and Cain’s plan is no different. He promises to scrap current taxes on income, payroll, capital gains and corporate profits. He says he will replace them with a 9 percent tax on income, a 9 percent business tax and a 9 percent national sales tax. Several polls have Cain at or near the top of the Republican field because of this rubbish, but if 9-9-9- was such a great idea, why has it not been put into place sooner? If this was such a great way to shift the economy forward, why not save millions of Americans’ jobs, homes and families by working with the current President on this plan. I will tell you why, because our current President thinks the plan would do exactly what it is designed to do, impose a "huge burden" on middle-class and working families. Making sure the wealthiest pay less – and replace the revenue with a sales tax hitting the less well-off.
Low and middle-income families will stay in a state of emergency by excepting the 9-9-9 Plan. So much so that I feel a year from its exceptence, it will become known as the 9-1-1 Plan. This is not a "New Deal" era, this is a "let's work together with what we have" era. Let's face it, we hear this same lie every year, and every year the rich are the ones who come out on top, because they are the ones funding political parties. In 2000 George W. Bush quoted his plan for the " flat/simpler tax" as being what Americans needed in order generate additional revenue. Sadly as time went on and he served his years as President, we soon saw that most of the tax cuts did not go to low- and middle-income Americans. And the tax code was still very unfair. In fact, the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center calculated that most of the tax cuts-53% to be exact-went to the highest-earning 10% of US individuals and families. Those most affluent Americans got an average tax cut of $7,661. And as for the “low- and middle-income Americans” Bush mentioned-the bottom 60% of individuals and families got only 13.7% of the tax cuts, a far cry from “most” of the cuts as claimed.
We may never be able to have the perfect tax structure, however, I still believe that I live in a country that could beat the odds and bring it's fellow countrymen out of a state of emergency and into a land of prosperity, but we must at least try!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Is it just me or has our Gov't gone from sugar to shit in the last six months? I think maybe it is just me, because it has been the later for sometime now.
The article that grabbed my attention was titled “House Panel Approves Bill to Cut U.N. Funds,” ( to Cut Funds) and in that moment, I thought to myself “why not just approve a bill to end the world too?” The article to my surprise was written quite well. I was definitely expecting to read with the type of apprehension that gives you the feeling “something is missing here,” however, the feeling was not there at all. I believed this journalist, and I generally believed that he/she was telling the whole truth, especially when they quoted Democrat Howard Berman of California as saying "The Republicans true purpose of the bill is to end U.S. participation in the U.N. and in the process, deal a fatal financial blow to the world body.” The journalist spoke about Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s disapproval and how she vowed to recommend that President Obama veto the legislation.
You cannot put these types of phrases together during a time as fragile as the times we are currently living in with the expectation that your audience will be middle school kids. No, this article was written for individuals seeking to understand what is going on with in our society, with in our Gov't. With all of the madness, you keep telling yourself that there has to be an answer, you are not crazy, and the people that have been empowered to make decisions for you, will not allow your country, your family, your friends to suffer a minute longer.
This article really hit home describing in detail just how far the Gov't is willing to go to cover up facts such as “We spent all of the Social Security money-people! We are not going to tax the rich, because they are the ones that keep our political parties floating! We will continue to tax YOU, so get off of Wall Street so we can clean up!”
This journalist's logic and evidence made me think more about the state of this country and where we could possibly be headed. There is one part, however, that keeps regurgitating with in me and that is the statement the journalist made about how big of a problem/bully the Republicans think the U.N. actually is. The U.N. has been around since before I was a kid and problem or not, it does a lot for thousands who cannot do for themselves but my question is why is the U.N. such a problem now?  It is as if Congress has started playing tit for tat and this journalist was right on the money with this one “these measures will end American involvement in the world peacekeeping body.”